Epson ActionNote 4SLC/33
My Epson ActionNote (added to my collection in 2010)
- 486 SLC 33Mhz
- 120MB HD
- Internal Modem (of unknown speed, I would venture a guess of 9600 or 14.4)
- MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 (Win95 on arrival, I figured 3.1 was a better fit)
This laptop is somewhat unique with its 486slc chip, the slc was pin compatible with 386 CPUs, so this is likely an attempt by “Epson” to make a quick buck by selling cheap “486” laptops (on an already designed/built 386 platform), when in reality these don’t perform much better than a 386 (due to slow 16-bit bus and lack of FPU), however it does have the full 486 instruction set, so anything that requires 486 should run, albeit slowly.
- Epson 4SLC/33
- Open
- Closed
- Open (Windows 95 boot splash)
Hello, I’ve just found 1 unit of this model. Do you know something about its value in the vintage market pc ?
Many thanks !
I never give values, other than insurance estimates, sorry.
Hi, is the CMOS battery in yours dead? If so, how is it still able to retain the hard disk parameters and boot? I just got one of these, but the CMOS battery is dead, and every time I set the parameters in the BIOS, they reset to null as soon as the machine restarts (after saving the CMOS settings), and so it’s impossible to boot.
The CMOS battery in mine is still good, I should probably think about opening it up and checking it out though as some can leak when they fail. I can try to open mine up one of these days and see what it is using for a battery.
Hello is still available, how much you cost and can ship to italy. Write to [email protected]
Sorry, This is a museum site, nothing on here is for sale.